In a world of smartphones, smart cars, and smart refrigerators, why don’t we have smart health and wellness products too?
That’s exactly what World Global Network wants to know.
They claim that technology can help you live longer and healthier.
And to back it up, they’re creating wearable technology that gives you actionable information about your health.
Is it any wonder World Global Network is one of the hottest MLMs today?
I should know, since I have written over 200 network marketing reviews on this blog, and this page gets the most attention.
1. What does World Global Network sell? Personalized health and wellness planning that’s constantly improved, updated, and optimized for you to become the best you can be. They do this with wearable devices that collect and process biometrics, vital signs, and other health-related data.
2. What are World Global Network’s most popular products? WGN’s HELO line of products is their primary offering. These products allow them to gather vital data about a person’s health to give them a customized wellness plan. This information is used in their SmartLife Solution, which is one of their most popular products. It comes with a Smartband (like a smartwatch) that you wear on your wrist to record your vitals in real time…a DNA kit to generate a full report on your health and wellness…and an actionable 30-day plan tailored to your needs. You also get a custom-made supplement pack that targets your health needs.
3. How much does it cost to join World Global Network? To join, you’ll need to buy one of two starter packs: the Builder Pack ($1,499) or the Personal Pack ($359). You also be asked to add several options, so be prepared to spend an additional $25 to $799.
4. Is World Global Network a scam? No, it’s a legit company with real products. They’re the distribution partner for World Technology Corp. But buyer beware! They’re going through financial difficulties, and it’s impacting their ability to deliver products and make refunds. The number of complaints against WGN makes you think twice about doing business with them.
5. What is World Global Network’s BBB rating? F
6. How long has World Global Network been in business? Since 2014
7. What is World Global Network’s revenue? Their revenue is $2 million. But in 2017, World Technology Corp (the parent company) reported a net loss of $1,130,747. [1]
8. How many World Global Network distributors are there? No numbers have been shared online.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? No lawsuits are listed online.
10. Comparable companies: LifeVantage, 4Life
So should you get involved with WGN?
I’m not saying you won’t make any money with them, but if you’re looking for sustainable income, there are much better options out there…
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here are 12 interesting facts about World Global Network you need to know.
#12. Very new
World Global Network [written WOR(l)D Global Network] has only been around for a few years. Although, it’s more like double that in MLM-years.
#11. Truly a global network
Despite being so new, they’re everywhere.
Headquartered in the UK, they also have offices in Miami, Moscow, Dubai, London, Singapore, and Dublin, and they operate in over 100 countries.
#10. Unique product market
For MLMs that is. They used to traffic in cellular devices, which is pretty much unheard of in network marketing. Basically, World Global Network users were sticking it to the man by creating their own, privately owned communication network, thereby kind of deregulating telecommunications.
Apparently, that didn’t work for them, though, because in 2014, they partnered with World Technology Corp to distribute wearable health devices through direct sales. This puts them squarely in the health and wellness market, where they’re trying to differentiate themselves with technology that lets them biohack your health.
#9. Innovative product
Unlike many MLMs who have products that are questionable or repetitive at best and downright non-existent at worst, theirs is clear-cut, useful, and pretty innovative.
Their technology, or product, is a wristband that can read your vitals and biometrics to make personalized wellness recommendations possible.
While other companies claim to do biohacking or to use technology to improve your health, World Global Network really does.
#8. They have radiation chips
The technology we use for, well, everything emits radiation that’s harmful to our bodies.
World Global Network sells a small chip, called BioZen, that reduces the harmful effects of static and extremely low-frequency magnetic fields.

BioZen Plus is a Class 1 Medical Device in Europe. It’s the only technology in the world that expands e-smog protection to a biological level. They do this by positively changing the low-frequency electromagnetic fields that are formed.
#7. Wearable technology
Wearable technology is a huge buzzword that’s been gaining a lot of traction the past few years and is predicted to become a huge part of our lives.

WGN has entered this market with the HELO, a wristband that monitors your health and predicts disease. Basically a super-Fitbit.
#6. Now using brand new tech from Toshiba
The HELO wristband uses new technology developed by Toshiba that integrates Bluetooth, a new heavy duty processor, and flash memory into one tiny package.
Soooo….what does that actually mean?
Well, in the HELO, it means that it collects data and detects changes with extremely high precision and then uses to Bluetooth feature to relay the information, in detail, to your smartphone. [2]
#5. Offers genetic testing
World Global Network offers home DNA tests and DNA testing for medical and wellness professionals who want to offer genetically customized diets and exercises.
The Xfinity Lab’s Tests profile and analyze the variations that make your genome unique. It reveals the diets and exercises that are best for you, the nutrients you’re deficient in, and food sensitivities that can impact wellness.
In this case, knowledge really is power.
With this type of technology available, there’s no need to follow generic advice about your health? Customized health, fitness, and nutrition plans help you know you’re working towards your health goals.
#4. Top talent working with them
Basically a bunch of tech and business all-stars. Think Chicago Bulls in 1996.
They’ve got the inventor of Socialmatic, a Polaroid camera, a top 20 Top Direct Selling CEO (ranked right below the CEO of Mary Kay), and the top-selling CEO in the world in 2014. [3, 4]
#3. Award-winning compensation plan
They’ve got a pretty unique model for compensation, and it seems to be working well.
In fact, it was actually ranked as number 10 in the Best MLM Compensation Plan Poll for 2014. [5]
Basically, you own a little piece of the network, so every time a user connects to it, you’re helping them generate revenue, which they then share with you.
The exact amount you make is a little vague. According to their website, it “depends on the number of micro-cells installed worldwide and the time each user spends on the network.” But when you install microcells, you get a MINIMUM of 30% a year of the value invested in your personal microcell.
#2. Top 100 MLM company
In 2015, only a couple years after starting up, they’d already been listed as one of the top 100 MLM companies in the world. What have you done in two years? [6]
#1. Expensive start-up cost
Starting up with this company isn’t cheap, but you do get a lot more than some pamphlets and a protein shake (no offense, ViSalus or Isagenix).
For the HELO healthband, they have two start-up packs. $349 gets you started with your own HELO healthband and $1,149 gets you HELO healthbands for the whole family.
For the phones, they’ve got a “lite” start-up package for $199.99, and a “suite” start-up package for $349. You get a phone with this. Of course, you need the bigger one to make money, as is usually the case.
World Global Network is no doubt one of the hottest tech MLMs right now with a pretty cool concept.
They have an interesting compensation plan with opportunities to make some good side money if you get people on board. You probably won’t get rich, but if you are set on MLM, this wouldn’t be a bad one to try.
Still, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity, and this is far from the best one.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Hello, I would like to know what business you have in mind when you say:
“…… there are certainly better opportunities available”
If you can provide any comparison – i would appreciate it.
I’m researching the direct sale industry and im looking for the real deal.
Thank you. Zig.
Sounds like it was more the sponsor, less the company.
Just keeping it 100
This is absolutely a scam! Just try to return the product and see what happens! No phone number to call. Customer service email states they will not accept emails. I returned my Helo 3 months ago. I still have not received a refund.
Mine has been since April!!!
Hi Gwen,
Did you receive your refund yet?
Wrong. I am a representative of World Global Network.
Why would you want to get a refund for the best wristband in the marketplace? Voted #1 Direct sales product! I guess you didn’t make any money with it after a week and decided to call it a s…
One thing i can tell you … World has a history of success… and it continues to grow, with or without you!
So what happened to your refund? I need to know cuz I ordered one for my wife and paid it with credit card through one of their downline salesman who promised the product will be delivered within 10 days…it’s been 2 months already and nothing came…please let me know how you went about getting your refund so I do the same thing..thank you
I’m having the same trouble! I have a defective product! I have a friend who apparently has a friend that reps these guys and he gave me a number to call, but they just put you on hold for HOURS! Then they give you an option to leave a message so that they can get back to you, but they never do. Total SCAM!
Wow, sounds messy
After watching several videos for two weeks, I still can’t find anywhere in print what the compensation is. It seems to change depending on what video you watch. Does anyone in this company have it in writing?
Desperate people need to wake up. Paying money up front to earn money is a scam. Ignore all internet baloney and find yourself a real local job.
These types of “businesses” in the MLM world are too large to fail. They know it’s only going to make them richer. They get away with it as they give a disclaimer that most people won’t earn money and those that do average $500 a year. You are “working” for pennies an hour or less.
So I guess paying lots of money to buy a fast food franchise restaurant is a scam? Or paying money to buy inventory for a startup restaurant business is a scam? You clearly don’t know how a business works. Stick to your 9-5. Network marketing compensation is based on personal performance. People don’t make money because they give up or they’re too afraid to step out of their comfort zone.
That’s so true, I am a dreamtrips member and I really think this is one of the few companies that actually offers a service that almost everyone wants.
I had my helo-x for about 2 weeks.Iwoke up and removed the unit and it came to two pieces, the back piece was left on my arm maybe the electronics are fantastic ,but the casing they are held in seems very shoddy. I live in Philippines have given unit back to the provider awaiting results.If world global is interested in acquiring a genuine market .I suggest they do something quickly .They can send me an “e”mail explaining how such a well built and expensive unit can just disintegrate on your arm I am very disgusted with the outcome of their product
I have been involved with World since late November, and although most of this article is accurate, I can see that the writer may not have done all their research. Please contact me directly and I would be happy to give you all the incredible details of this top notch company that you DO NOT want to miss out on!
MLMs change and evolve constantly, hard to keep up with changes!
Well said!!!
I would like to reassure anyone taking a look at this opportunity, and say keep an open mind! No company is perfect, with technology and health and wellness, there will always be growing pains! I love my helo lx, it is very accurate, and the panic button is like no other. I have heart disease that runs in my family, and I have high cholesterol, so a device that monitors my heart 24/7 noninvasive with bio parameters for a couple hundred dollars is worth every penny and then some! And being able to have a business we can work from our phone? 190+ countries world wide, traded on stock market, and being FDA approved in 2018! Do your research 100% and get ALL your questions asked from knowledgeable people before starting any venture, good luck in all you do!! Remember we only have one life to live, no one is promised tomorrow, and make the most of your life, don’t put all your eggs in one basket!!
What you don’t talk about is the terrible customer service so clearly they have paid you to write this review.
I’ve been waiting two months for a refund.
What they don’t explain clearly is that you don’t get full use of all of the apps unless you may a very high monthly charge. Oh but then they say you get a credit of $75. Approx to use on product. Which now means you are selling or distributing this product.
My device worked for three days…that’s right three days. I no longer can access my account and have not received a refund
Nobody paid me.
I’m self-made.
But hearing a lot of “customer service” complaints from WGN
I got sucked in to the MLM, and only because I thought the product was something I could get behind. Both my wife and I used the HELO for several weeks. My wife is a loyal FitBit user, and she compared both. The Helo LX didn’t come close to matching the accuracy of the functions of FitBit, but here’s the real kicker. I calibrated my Helo for blood pressure monitoring and it seemed pretty accurate and consistent. Then I tried testing my blood pressure with the device off of my wrist. Miracle of miracles! The blood pressure reading was exactly the same! Just to be sure I didn’t have a faulty device, I did the same test with my wife’s Helo, same results! That’s quite impressive that it can take all my readings while sitting on the bedside table. Run, don’t walk if approached with this amazing business opportunity!
This product is horrible. Mine broke. I spent over $300 and the thing did not work. I called the company numerous times and had to leave messages. When I finally got ahold of someone, they had me do a video showing it did not work and they still did not respond. I wrote a complaint through the BBB and they would not respond to the complaint. I would not buy this nor sell this to anyone.
I signed up in this company almost 1 year ago. I have I tried really hard for 6 months to build a business hardest business ever to build! I paid the $59 a month and in December wanted to pre-order the phone for $499 to use up my accumulation of the $59 which was credited each month to be $75. They wanted $65 for shipping and $35 for sales tax on the pre-order. I didn’t order it. Then we were told all along that it would do oxygen saturation as well as glucose blood level monitoring and a mosquito repellent as well as other features in October of 2017. All they’ve come out with his another new Helo. To talk about the monitor for blood glucose is over $300. In 40 Years of direct sales and one company that pays my bills for almost 40 years that is quality and reputable this company is nothing but a bunch of mumbo-jumbo hype garbage trash save your money. Beware, don’t give them a penny of your money! We also bought stock huh what a joke worst investment ever! We’ve lost quite a bit of the money the shares on February 2nd 2018 closed at $7 and something. We purchased it at $26 a share! They need sued!
Sounds intense.
It’s a SCAM!
I bought two Helo LX Plus and both do not work properly at all. Even if I moved the entire day, the recording is stuck at only 500 steps. And I was then told that it doesn’t work with apple phone but only android. I wasn’t told about this when I bought !
My friends bought 4 pieces on HELO LX and all didn’t work as well. The heart rate readings, BP readings were highly inaccurate.
The presentation about product and business is fantastic. But they were all illusions. They sell dreams and hopes but they are not going to fulfill them at all. Each time I complain about the product (not working properly) or business backend glitches (commissions cannot be withdrawn), the customer care service reply was very standard…… there is nothing more that can be done. So it’s either you quit the game or continue to deceive others to join so that you can make some money to minimize losses.
This is the worst MLM company that I have joined. I bought a business builder pack USD$1,500 on 26 July 2018 and I brought in another 6 people who also bought USD $1,500. I became a team developer within a month on 24 August 2018 and they are supposed to refund me USD$1,500. But nothing materialized. They denied me of refund of USD$1,500 saying that I did not place the downline properly and I missed the weekly dateline. First of all, all these were not told to me at all. I was only informed after my refund was denied.
Everything was geared towards their advantage and people like us will be shortchanged.
I am writing now not to voice my frustrations but rather to warn those innocent people not to be deceived into WGN Helo SCAM.
The business fundamental is fantastic especially a tech healthcare MLM model which is unheard of. That was the biggest attraction for me. But only if the Italian founder FABIO is going to fulfill each and every of his promises. After 2-3 months with WGN, I can see their direction clearly. They only want to recruit and recruit to make all the money and they are not committed to fix any glitches, faulty products.
This clearly communicated that this MLM is going to be short lived. So better don’t part your money and time with World Global Network at all. Never trust Italians! They are the biggest liars and cheaters!
Let’s stop WGN from cheating anymore people