
Pure Haven Essentials, formerly Ava Anderson, is a network marketing company that sells beauty and skincare products. If there’s one kind of company that knows how to rebrand, it’s a failed MLM after a career-ending scandal breaks out. In this industry, it’s the oldest (and most obvious) trick in the PR book. But a little [...]

“Ding dong, Avon calling!” The old tagline from the 1950s and 60s made Avon a household name among the Babyboomer crowd… And now, the quintessential old-lady cosmetics brand. Even so, their status as one of the first major network marketing companies has made them the biggest name in the MLM space, rivaled only by Amway. [...]

Emblazoned on their home page is BeachBody’s promise… “We do not doctor photos. Ever. All of the results you see here are real and unretouched.” It’s a smart move because the photos show amazing transformations. And since BeachBody has been slammed for using sneaky marketing tactics that overpromise results or fail to give full disclosure, [...]

Selling gold probably isn’t easy. I mean, it’s not like selling Tupperware. Maybe that’s why Karatbars refuses to call themselves an MLM. They call themselves an e-commerce company with an affiliate program. The difference? MLMs require you to buy products. Karatbars doesn’t require any purchases at all (though they do recommend it for your own [...]

When you see a legal advisor embroiled in ongoing legal battles, you can’t help but wonder… If they’re the real deal, why can’t they defend themselves? But LegalShield may finally have their act together. The question now is whether you can make any money with this MLM. LegalShield was once a big, bad, publicly-traded company [...]

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